Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning our Ticket shop.
Please contact our Customer Service for further assistance:
Tel. +358 40 450 3250, email: customer [email protected]  

In case of any issues, assistance is also available at the entrance service desk during the event's opening hours.


Payment options

After the payment return to the online store to verify your purchase. You will receive the order confirmation by email. The order confirmation contains ticket links.

Culture and combined sports and culture benefit

You can now use culture and combined sports and culture benefits to pay entrance fees to sports and culture fairs. Messukeskus Helsinki welcomes employee benefit users to Helsinki Book Fair, Golf Fair and Habitare. The benefit is available at the cashier’s desks at the entrances of Messukeskus. However, the sports benefit alone is for the time being not suitable as payment, and the benefit cannot be used for e-ticket purchases.

Pre-event prices and discounts

Pre-event prices are valid only at the Ticket shop. A service charge of €3 will be added to tickets bought during the event from the cashier.

Depending on the event, children under 7 years are free of charge or another discount price ticket is available.

Children 7-17 years, students, pensioners, conscripts, unemployed and crisis management veterans have their own discount price ticket. Please prepare to present the needed document to our personnel:

Student discount
Please show your student card at the entrance. If you have no student card, ask your educational institution to give you a certificate of your student status.

Conscripts get a discount by showing a card that proves they are entitled to a discount.

Pensioners get a discount by showing a card that proves they are entitled to a discount.

- An unemployment payment decision that is a maximum of 3 months old from Kela or an unemployment fund
- A statement printed out from the TE Services’ Oma asiointi eServices website
- A statement of integration received by the person before he or she receives the actual statement of unemployment
- Proof of unemployment may also be a statement presented in an electronic format
- No discount is granted based on an appointment booking card of the TE Office or a TE Office customer card

If you have received a coupon code e.g. from a newsletter or our partner, add the correct ticket to cart and apply the coupon code at the checkout before payment. Check the coupon code giver’s instructions to which ticket the coupon code applies. Coupon code to online store cannot be used when purchasing tickets at the door or after their validity period.

Gift Ticket

Gift Ticket entitles to a single visit to an event organised by The Finnish Fair Corporation.

In 2025 these events are:
Matka & Caravan 17-19 Jan, MP Motorcycle Show 31 Jan - 2 Feb, Vene Båt 7-16 Feb, Helsinki Outdoor & Hunting Fair 7-9 Feb, Spring Fair, Local & organic food 27-30 March, Golf 28-30 March, Child Fair & Food Fair 11-13 April, Pet Exhibition 12-13 April, Habitare 10-14 Sept, I love me 17-19 Oct, Book Fair & Wine and Food 23-26 Oct, Studia 25-26 Nov. Subject to changes.

Delivering tickets

You find two kinds of links to tickets at the order confirmation:

1) Mobile Ticket (HTML-format) can be easily opened in the mobile device browser. You can save the ticket on your mobile device. Mobile Tickets are are not meant for printing.

2) PDF-Ticket can be printed or displayed on the mobile device screen.

Please make sure that the files can be opened on your mobile device unless you have printed the tickets.

Entering the event

The QR-code on the ticket is read electronically at the entrance from a paper printout or a mobile device screen. Show the QR-code to the reader device and gate opens.
Please notice that in case the ticket holder is entitled to a discount ticket, please prepare to present the needed document to our personnel.

If you have purchased more than one ticket, such as Group tickets, you can pre-distribute the tickets and you can arrive at the fair at a different time. If you do not pre-distribute the tickets, let the others in first and come in yourself last.

With the Gamily ticket, the whole family should arrive together at the fair. If you have purchased a family ticket, head to the service point at the entrance where your ticket is read.

The Full time ticket is exchanged for a bracelet at the service point at the entrance on the first visit. The bracelet allows you to walk through the gates back and forth on the days of the event.


Canceling the order

Tickets are non-refundable and cannot be changed to other events’ tickets.

Tickets are not personal and you can freely buy tickets as a gift for anyone. Notice that in case the ticket holder is entitled to a Discount ticket please prepare to present the needed document to our personnel.


Why didn't I receive my Order Confirmation email?
First check you spam folder. If necessary, contact our Customer Service for further support.

If your browser freezes, crashes, or the page is not loading, clear your browser's cache and start over. You can also try another web browser or device. Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. Some browser problems are caused by plugins (such as Flash or Java). Common problems caused by plug-ins are, for example, crash, jamming, or download problems. If you have problems using your browser, please see the browser’s own support pages.

Problems with discount code
Check the coupon code giver’s instructions to which ticket the coupon code applies and that you have the correct ticket and the correct amount of them. Coupon code to online store cannot be used when purchasing tickets at the door or after their validity period.  

Messukeskus Helsinki Info

Messukeskus FAQ

Getting to Messukeskus

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